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MACO hardware


     Tendintele actuale ale cladirilor rezidentiale se caracterizeaza prin linii curate si absenta elementelor de prisos. To transfer these trends to the window industry, color design, hidden hinges, thinner frames and aspects of home automation must be considered. In doing so, burglary resistance should not be neglected as a basic requirement of every window. MACO is constantly focusing product development accordingly. Calitatea fiabila a produselor MACO turn-only si tilt & turn se reflecta în garantia noastra de performanta_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_for 10 years. The maintenance capacity has been verified in accordance with QM 328 and RAL-GZ 607/3. The hardware is optionally available with an extremely corrosion-resistant surface finish TRICOAT-PLUS.

      Maco Multimatic este un sistem de închidere centralizata, iS camele cu role de siguranta si the sash lifter provides the base for each set. We can add additional MULTI components based on the additional features we need. Pentru a obtine versiunea rezistenta la efractie a ferestrelor, utilizam placute de securitate iS în locul placilor de inchidere standard si le pozitionam_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ depending on the desired break-in resistance graph.

     Prevent intruders from  between changing the cam manually!

   Datorita mecanismului de actionare autoblocant al MACO, aceasta metoda este acum un lucru din trecut. The secret behind this unique solution is the automatic security cam_docking which cannot be moved_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfcc58d_to unlock the window  3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_se aplica a force of 300 kg in an attempt to gain access. (Image on the left) The self-locking drive gear therefore considerably increases the basic safety of the window in the locked position, even without a window handle_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_lockable, which would otherwise be used to prevent the cam from changing. Daca se aplica forta fara roti de antrenare autoblocante, mânerul se roteste în sus. (Image on the right) The self-locking drive gear is quick to install, cost-effective and easy to adapt.

cremon cu maner

    Secure Vent Position MULECUAIR SCUBA

     Lasati casa sa se simta în siguranta_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_with slanted windows. No need to va worry about uninvited guests or a sudden storm. Cu adâncimea redusa de înclinare, pozitia de ventilatie asigurata asigura securitate si ventilatie eficienta din punct de vedere energetic. Este ideal pentru stilurile de viata moderne, deoarece ofera ventilatie continua si un climat constant în camera atunci când ocupantii sunt leave for long periods of time and to build shells with increased tightness to air. Do you want to provide ventilation when the occupants are away, but still benefit from the security offered of the degree of resistance_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badla5 ecf58d RC_fracie58d? The solution is: MACO MULTI SECUAIR

Foarfeca microventilatie

    Comfort fittings

     Ferestre  action.

     Uneori, cu totii ne este greu sa ajungem la o fereastra: în spatele chiuvetei din kitchen, bathroom or staircase. Feroneria MACO MULTI deluxe pentru ferestre din PVC si lemn permite tuturor utilizatorilor sa gestioneze fara efort orice fereastra basculabila, în any type of   installation, situation and at any age. The window handle is positioned where it is easily accessible for each user: at a low level - horizontally or vertically on the lower part of the sash.

   Hardware  Macmut

    Performanta termica impresionanta a geamurilor moderne si a profilelor de cadru a extins foarte mult domeniul de aplicare to increase the total surface of the window. Pivoting post and scissor hinges for panel weights up to to 180 kg for PVC and up to to 220 kg for timber are designed to hold and move window doors_5cc-7819de -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and large format windows up to to 3.6 m². The hinge mechanism is completed by the scissor joint pin. The MAMMUT pivot post for PVC is also available in a screw-fixed version with a folding leg.

Balama mamut

 Door locking systems

     Inchiderea usilor PROTECT pe usile din fata, usile de intrare si usile din spate fac intrarea fortata o treaba grea datorita_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_their special features, which include iS cams with safety rollers, steel bolts , locking hooks and a combination hook and bolt. Izolarea fonica si termica optimizata completeaza caracteristicile îmbunatatite specifice blocarii. Various security components, such as hook and bolt combination, can be used up to the degree of resistance to PAS24 break-in.


B-TV frog

This latch is ideal for use on balcony doors when the weather performance is more important than the security function due to the location. Due to the fact that this frog is narrow DM 25 mm it allows the construction of elegant doors, which are ideal for use on Juliet balconies.

Broasca btv

Frog Z-TS / G-TS

     Modulul MACO PROTECT Z-TS / G-TS îndeplineste o gama larga_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_of requirements. Standardized installation procedures go hand in_hand with full flexibility in regards to the height of the multi-point locking system. The Z-TS / G-TS PROTECT module offers a perfect solution from a technical point of view for any door height. No additional headaches with storage capacity or installation times. The Z-TS / G-TS PROTECT module can be used on wooden, PVC or aluminum front doors. The basic standard for the Z-TS / G-TS PROTECT module door lock is the hook and bolt combination with three-point locking system.

Broasca zts si gts

Frog Z-TF

    Blocarea clasica cu 3 zavoare MACO Z-TF are acum doua zavoare multifunctionale suplimentare pentru a completa the handle latch standard. This produces optimal, permanent compression of the seal over the entire door height. The door leaf is kept secure  without additional locking. This offers the best anti-burglary features with up to four security bolts. The new option with multi-function latches and hook lock (MF-HO) brings other practical benefits.

Broasca ztf
Broasca cu carlig

      The new variant  MF version with lock (with lock) HO), two hooks that extend upwards increase the prevention of burglary and thus complete the operation of the lina with maximum security. Another advantage is the day launch, which can be upgraded optional - ideal for buildings with several residential units. Compatibility with E-Openers has also been improved as, despite the 3-latch technology, the side-lock MF-HO requires only one E-Opener (in instead of three). This saves manufacturing effort. Este, de asemenea, foarte practic, deoarece atât în ​​varianta semi-automata cât si în cea mecanica, fiecare încuietoare pe baza_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_de MF-HO uses the same range de attack boards. Thus, all four families of cylinder-operated locks (Z-TS, Z-TF, A-TS and the future motorized lock M-TS) all use the same range de attack boards.

Cylinder i6 TITAN

Technical specifications

•    6 active pins
•    2 anti-puncture inserts on each side
•    2 of the 6 pins are specially designed to withstand anti-punching and anti-drilling attacks
•    Up to 34,000 different combinations
3 or 5 brass keys.
•    Matt brass or nickel finish
•    Safety card
•    Certificate according to the EN 1303 standard

•    Semi cylinders, double and with button
•    Standard dimensions:
•    Semi cilindru de la  41 mm (10-31,5 10-35, ) up to  70 mm (10-50)
•    Double or with button maximum total length of 100 mm, maximum 60 mm on one side
•    Other dimensions on request (depending on quantity)
•    Standard packing: in individual cardboard boxes
•    Industrial packaging available on request (low prices)

Butuc titan 6
Pini butuc
Butuc fluture
Cheie butuc

Address: Strada Mihai Bravu, No. 4

City: 108500 Mizil, Prahova County  

Tel     : +40 - 730.11.11.95


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